Silver Horizons helps seniors just like many of us, our parents and grandparents, and the elderly neighbor living alone. The only difference is the seniors we help live on about $700-900 per month, struggling to pay even basic living expenses. Often we wonder, “Are they doing alright?” Because of supporters like you, more and more often Silver Horizons is there to help. The seniors we help need you. Please sign up to volunteer today.
As a local, independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Silver Horizons relies on the generous support of people like you. Whether you can give money or time, Silver Horizons appreciates the positive impact you are creating by supporting our life-enhancing programs for low-income seniors.
Silver Horizons is looking for volunteers to assist with our Free Groceries for Seniors program, at our thrift store, Thrift Smart, as well as many administrative, fundraising, and marketing opportunities.
Opportunities include:
Senior Food Markets: Are you an energetic person and want to share your gift with others? Help Silver Horizons package and deliver groceries, and set up food markets.
Thrift Smart: Have fun meeting people, while sorting, pricing, and displaying items in our boutique thrift store.
Fundraising: Help us keep our vital programs running through event planning and fund development donor campaigns.
Media relations and marketing: Are you a creative person looking for a way to support seniors? We always need help getting the word out through social media, graphic design, newsletter writing, and photography.
Clerical assistance: Help us stay organized through letter writing, data entry, and office organization.
Outreach: Help us spread the word even further by talking to others and staffing an information booth at outreach events.
Have a skill, but don’t see it on the list? Want to get involved? Email Ron at or call 505-800-1400. We always warmly welcome another set of helping hands.
Hosting a food drive helps Silver Horizons provide a better variety of quality foods to the seniors who shop at our Senior Food Markets.
Please consider hosting a nonperishable food drive for extremely low-income seniors. Your efforts will help seniors who otherwise do not have enough money for basic groceries.
Did you know New Mexico is second in the nation for senior hunger and senior malnutrition? We are first in the nation for childhood hunger. Hosting a food drive is a great team building activity, and a fun way to create competitions. Hosting a food drive is a meaningful way to say, “We LOVE our Parents, Grandparents, and Seniors Just Like Them!”
Every month, Silver Horizons’ Senior Food Market Program provides free groceries to seniors in Central New Mexico. Many of the seniors we assist with free groceries are raising their grandchildren. Now you have 2 generations facing hunger together.
Our program also includes meat, produce, dairy items, pet food, basic toiletries, as well as dry and canned goods. This food drive would be for collecting nonperishables only. Thanks to your support, we now distribute food to 3,500+ low-income seniors and their grandchildren…every month!
If you are interested in learning more about hosting a food drive, please email Silver Horizons at or call 505-545-3780.
Silver Horizons can accept nonperishable food item donations, and is always taking unopened and unused personal hygiene items and pet products including:
Canned food items including soup, beans, fruit, vegetables, meat and tuna
Dry food items (such as cereal, rice, pasta, dry beans, etc.)
Toilet paper
Toothpaste / Toothbrushes / Floss
Hand and bar soap
Dish soap
Combs and brushes
Shampoo and conditioner
Body wash
Wet and dry pet food
Cat litter and pet treats
Bird seed for indoor and outdoor birds
Have an item you would like to donate, but don’t see it on the list? Call us at 505-545-3780 to make sure we can take the item you wish to donate.